The Photo Blog
Many options are available to the photographer today for cataloging and post-processing photo files; sometimes, those choices can become overwhelming. As a result, I am often...
I'll never forget the email I received once that stated, "Your images are fake. You use Photoshop."
Such a bold statement made me pause for a moment and think a little more about the process of...
Summer vacation season is quickly approaching. Some of us will be off to familiar locations, while others will be packing up our camera gear and heading off on adventures into new...
There are many different reasons a photographer picks up a camera. For some, photography is a source of income and a career. For others, photography is an opportunity to feel creative. Yet, at the...
The other day I was online teaching a private mentoring session. This photographer had put down her camera for a little while but wanted to pick photography back up and get started on her journey...
When I was new to landscape photography, I admit, I was a mess when I arrived at a location I intended to photograph. Overwhelm and excitement would overtake me as I ran out into a setting. I'd...
Those frosty, unbearably cold winter nights are warming to an almost reasonable temperature here in the Canadian Rockies. Landscape photography at night is a universe unto itself. Spectacular...
"What's the one thing I can do to make my landscape photos look better?" Whoa! That's a loaded question and has many different answers, but it's a question I get asked a lot.
Landscape photography filters and landscape photography go together like two peas in a pod. Landscape photography filters are invaluable to the landscape photographer and can not only help you...
Landscape photographers tend to love their gear, gadgets and gizmos. Of course, there's the big stuff beyond the camera, like tripods and bags or backpacks. Then there are those smaller beloved...
Don't they say, "Creativity is the Spice of Life?" Or is it, "Variety?" Let's go with "Creativity" so I can prove my point!
Unfortunately, many of us landscape photographers do not have the luxury...
Spring has arrived! I know many of you are excited about that. What was frozen under the heaps of snow will soon emerge, and the cycle of new growth will begin.
However, here in the Canadian...
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