How to take better landscape images

How to Take More Interesting Landscape Photos

Apr 25, 2023

Photography is a powerful tool, and every photographer should aim to capture images that align with their style and vision for a photo. For example, the landscape photographer in me wants to capture images of the beauty found in nature. At the same time, the artist in me wishes to capture dynamically creative images filled with visual interest. When I combine the beauty found in nature with my artistic creativity, I can begin to capture more interesting photos.  

There are many different ways in which a photographer can take more interesting landscape photos. Today, I share a few tried and true methods for doing that. 

1. Infuse a story 

Humans relate to stories. The better you get at telling a story within your images, the more attractive they will be. Many landscape photographers struggle with telling stories in photos, so here are three tips. First, compose your main subject in a way that showcases it. Second, consider elements you can include within the image's composition to help strengthen what you see in front of you. Third, consider all aspects of your frame and retain only what is necessary to tell the story of what you see. 

ISO 64, 17.5mm f9, 1 sec

2. Layer your frame

Intentionally layering your photograph with a foreground, middle ground, and background can help add context and infuse depth into an image. Likewise, layering a frame creates a more true-to-life feeling and can result in a more relatable and, ultimately, more interesting photo. A wide-angle lens choice is excellent for showcasing layers in an image. 

ISO 100, 19mm, f10, 1/10 sec

 3. Crop creatively

Unconventional cropping can catch a viewer's attention because it's different. On the other hand, creative cropping done with intention can make an image more interesting and draw attention to details and specific aspects within a frame.

ISO 200, 140mm, f8, 1/160 ss

 4. Capture movement 

Movement is an easy and attractive way to create a more interesting image. Photographs with movement suggest vitality, and this type of energy can draw a viewer into a frame, holding attention and interest. Try longer exposures to showcase cloud or water movement within a landscape setting.  

5. Simplify

Purposely excluding extraneous elements within a frame can be a very effective way to create a more interesting image. You can infuse simplicity into an image by focusing on your subject. Simplicity can be incredibly eye-catching and interesting.  

ISO 64, 14mm, f10, 1/1600

Taking the time to capture your images with intention using different approaches will help you catch more interesting photos that will go beyond the simple snapshot. Remember to infuse your reasons for picking up your camera into your images. Allowing your pictures to reflect you will be the one ingredient that should never be forgotten when trying to capture more interesting photos.  


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