Banff Photography Workshops

Five Common Struggles Every Landscape Photographer Faces at some Point Series: Week 5

Nov 29, 2022

You've reached the final week in the five-part series: Five Common Struggles Every Landscape Photographer Faces at Some Point. You can find last week's article HERE

Do you ever feel uninspired by the landscapes you have quick access to? Today we're going to talk about a common struggle that I think every landscape photographer faces at some point, and it's the "I don't live anywhere photogenic, and I have nothing to photograph" dilemma.

I often hear about this common landscape photography problem from the landscape photographers in my community. But I believe there's beauty everywhere, especially in your backyard. 

Admittedly, I'm spoilt. Living a short distance from world-class mountain ranges in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, I don't have to go far to find jaw-dropping beauty, but running out to the mountains every time I need a little photography therapy isn't always possible.

ISO 800, 200mm, f 2.8, 1/500 SS

Many landscape photographers dream about capturing those iconic images. I can relate. I enjoy those types of scenes too. However, photography has taught me to slow down and find beauty within the busyness of everyday life. Hiding within the moments of every day is something beautiful. Perhaps where you least expect it. But you must train your mind and eye to find beauty in your everyday life. 

When you feel uninspired or blah about the landscape close to you, try going for a walk by a local river. Rocks covered in ice along a riverbed are excellent wintery subjects. Tree trunks amidst snowfall make an exciting subject. Not in a climate where winter puts on a show? No problem, try looking up and finding bare tree branches lit up by a colourful sunrise. Or capture an intimate landscape photo of windswept sand at sunrise. 

The opportunities for landscape photography are plentiful, and it only takes a moment to find and observe something beautiful in your everyday. All you need to do is take the time to observe your everyday moments. Then, something is bound to catch your photographer's eye. 


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